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Stock Rom / Firmware ASUS ZenFone 5 A500KL

Faça download da Stock rom do ASUS ZenFone 5 (A500KL) e repare problemas como loop infinito travamentos e muitos outros problemas que pode aparecer no seu android e também para você que simplesmente que zerar seu smartphone.


  • JP-
  • ASUS ZenFone 5 (A500KL) software Image: V11.4.6.107(Kitkat) for JP SKU only*
  • Improvement Item:
    1)Fix system security vulnerabilities

    Steps of Update: 
    1. Check software version of your device**
    2. Download device software and Update SOP (From “Manual” 
    3. Only apply to same SKU update, Example: WW->WW, CN->CN, 
    4. Software update cannot transfer the software SKU and 
    downgrade the software version.
    5. Wrong SKU may cause update failure, please update the 
    same SKU version only.
    *How to know the device model? 
    Path: Settings->About-> Model number
    Example: ASUS_T00I
    **How to know the device software version? 
    Path: Settings->About-> software information->Build number
    ***System upgrade may cause part of data missing, please buckup 
    your important data before system upgrading.
  • 914.3 MBytes
  • 1
  • 2016/03/01

  • WW-, KK)
  • ASUS ZenFone 5 (A500KL) software Image: V11.4.6.107(Kitkat) for WW SKU only*
  • Improvement Item:
    1)Fix system security vulnerabilities

    Steps of Update: 
    1. Check software version of your device**
    2. Download device software and Update SOP (From “Manual” 
    3. Only apply to same SKU update, Example: WW->WW, CN->CN, 
    4. Software update cannot transfer the software SKU and 
    downgrade the software version.
    5. Wrong SKU may cause update failure, please update the 
    same SKU version only.
    *How to know the device model? 
    Path: Settings->About-> Model number
    Example: ASUS_T00I
    **How to know the device software version? 
    Path: Settings->About-> software information->Build number
    ***System upgrade may cause part of data missing, please buckup 
    your important data before system upgrading.
  • 901.97 MBytes
  • 1
  • 2016/03/01



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